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Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011

Reasons for Drinking 8 Glasses of Water

Did you know? Why we should drink at least 8 glasses of water every day? Based on the information that I got, there are some excuse about it.

   According to the Mayo Clinic, eight cups of water a day is the average amount an adult living in a temperate climate would need to drink to replenish fluids lost through urination and bowel movements, perspiration and breathing.

Normal Body Functioning
   Water is essential for normal body functioning. It helps to keep mucus membranes moist and to produce adequate saliva. Water carries nutrients to cells and ensures proper absorption. Water adds cushion to joints and internal organs and aids in maintaining normal body temperature.
Muscle Health
   Water provides lubrication for muscles and joints, allowing them to stretch and contract to their full ability. Additionally, water helps cleanse muscles of chemicals released during stress or activity.
Organ Function
   Without sufficient water, kidneys cannot function to their full ability, and as a result, the liver must take on part of the job of the kidneys. The additional stress of both organs means that neither organ can do its complete job. Drinking eight glasses of water a day reduces stress on the kidneys and liver, allowing them to do their job of metabolizing fat.
Waste Removal
   As water circulates through the body, it flushes toxins and wastes from organs, muscle tissues and cells. Water also lubricates fecal matter as it moves through the intestinal tract, helping to improve elimination and prevent constipation.
Weight Loss
  Getting your daily eight glasses of water helps to suppress an overactive appetite. Hunger is often confused with thirst, so the next time you crave a snack, ask yourself if it is a glass of water that your body wants instead.     

 Drink a glass or two of water each morning when you wake up, because your body has gone several hours without water and needs to hydrate. Drink more than eight glasses of water per day if you are overweight; have diarrhea, vomiting or fever; if you exercise; when the weather is hot; if you are taking medications that recommend more water intake; or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

  I hope with this article can make everybody a better understanding of what we think is simple but very important to our live.

Vocabularies :
Kidney : Either of a pair of small in the body which take away waste matter from the blood.
Replenish : To fill something up again.
Cushion : To make the effect or force of something softer.
Thirst : A need for something to drink.
Crave : To have a strong or uncontrollable want for something.

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