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Welcome to my blog. . . .!!!!!!

Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010

Numb a Moment

    There are many things what I was left out, because I life by running too fast. Just feel the breeze that apparent. Now I feel so tired and so sad, even I don't know why I was sad, I couldn't to said. Finally, I choose to be silent for a while and consider the people who I loved they're running in my head. It was felt weird, I could saw and felt them so close just a moment, they could met me. I can see clearly their backs until finally they began to move away out of sight. I choose continue my journey by walking slowly until I can pay attention around me clearly. It's true ! I was often ignore them (the people who I love) until they won't give me smile and say "hi", but isn't. I just realized as good as intelligent people, they can't predict their feelings, hearts, and mind of others. In fact, sometimes people are confused what they thought. Because tightness that isn't clear from whereever. I choose to sit and let my five sense pay attention to around me. I just smile, how small and coward I am. I couldn't share my world to the others people who I loved and those who love me. I was too affraid to say what I feel and I want to them.

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