Surabaya is the capital city of East Java. Surabaya also is the second Metropolitan city after Jakarta. Surabaya also has the longest bridge in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. Surabaya also has many special food, one of them is Rawon. Rawon is the special food from Surabaya with the basic material is kluwek. Kluwek can made sauce become black. That basic materials mixed with Indonesian spice typical. Rawon made from beef but only the specific part of them. Rawon presented with bean sprouts and salt eggs. The characteristic taste savory and delicious, make everyone want more and more to eat it. If you wanna try, you must not go to Surabaya. Because now in Jakarta have a lot to sell. One of them is in Restaurant Of Rawon Setan, it located in Fatmawati area.Beside that, have a lot to sell in the other place. So, good luck for this food.
Vocabularies :
Sauce : A thick liquid eaten with food to add flavour.
Spice : A substance made from a plant, which is used to give a special flavour to food.
Savory : Salty or spicy and not sweet in taste.
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Sabtu, 27 November 2010
Sabtu, 20 November 2010
Delicious Ice Cream
I love ice cream very much. If we talk about this one, what's on your mind? Ice cream was kind of food is very much like almost everyone, especially children. It tastes sweet and delicious, ice cream is also rich in flavor, like chocolate, vanilla, stawberry, blueberries, bananas, durian, mango, and even there is a sense of sweet potatoes, and much more flavor contained in the ice cream. The most I like ice cream flavor is chocolate and vanilla, chocolate and vanilla for flavor does not make me get bored quickly, different with the other flavors. Although ice cream flavor stawberry also no less delicious ice cream with chocolate and vanilla flavor. But not all the ice cream I like, there's one ice cream flavor that I really do not like, namely the durian ice cream flavor. Because I did not like durian, because the smell was very sting. I love to eat ice cream. On a week, I can eat three to four times. I always have a supply of ice cream in the fridge, so if I want to eat ice cream did not bother to buy anymore. So, let's get ice cream lovers, continue to try and find out about the latest ice cream flavor. Do not stop eating ice cream while there is ice cream in the world. I love ice cream. :-)
Sense : Value or react something.
Sting : To cause sharp but usually temporary pain.
Supply : To provde something that is wanted or needed.
Bother : To make the effort to do something.
Flavor : How food or drink tastes.Sense : Value or react something.
Sting : To cause sharp but usually temporary pain.
Supply : To provde something that is wanted or needed.
Bother : To make the effort to do something.
Sabtu, 13 November 2010
All About Pontianak City
This is one story of my lived. When I lived in West Borneo. I have been living there almost 14 years. West Borneo, well known with khatulistiwa monument, the location in the capital city of West Borneo that is Pontianak. Besides famous with khatulistiwa city, tourist attractions, cultures, food, and the interesting place who I had been visiting are The Dark Hill and Long Beach. The location of Dark Hill is in the Sintang regency. Approximately 8 hours from Pontianak city. It has high 600 meters. There are has water fall and also caves. The Dark Hill located between two rivers, namely are Melawai River and Kapuas River. Can you imagine, how beautiful The Dark Hill is. Others than The Dark Hill, there is also other tourist attraction, namely is Long Beach. Long Beach is named because it has a length about 3 km. With sand, clear water, calm, with cool air, and it was very comfortable. Around of the Long beach, there are also has restaurants, hotels, and swimming pool. I am very happy to visit that place.
About the culture, if in Jakarta has Abang and None, in West Borneo so, and we called with Bujang and Dara. These selections are held every once a year, exactly on May. This event was held aiming for the younger generation sill know and preserve of West Borneo culture. I hope the cultures of Indonesia can be known to the world. Not only from West Borneo, but also all of the Indonesian cultures.
Vocabularies :
Hill :: An area of land that is higher than the surronding land.
Regency : Describe the style of building, furniture, literature, etc.
Approximately : Close to particular number or time although not exactly.
Caves : Large hole in the side of hill.
Length : The measurement of something from end to end.
Preserve : To keep something as it is, especially in order to prevent it from decaying or being damaged or destroyed, to conserve.
Sabtu, 06 November 2010
Problem In Learning English
English lesson, yeah every we talked about this one almost of people feels lazy, scared, and they think English lesson like a very horrible dream. Majority of the people are affraid and lazy to learn and to know about English language because :
1. Grammar problem.2. Diffculty to speak up.
3. Understand the meaning.
Many people find the difficulty English language in pronuonciation, because they aren't accostumed to speaking in English. And to understanding the meaning, they also don't have enough vocabulary. I think this is the harder in learning English language is about grammar. Why? Because here we are must obliged to understand the structure of sentences. In grammar so many things we can learn, such as structure of sentences, tenses, and etc.
I know not a few people who understand and domineer about this material. If we are always learning and trying, the problem of pronounciation, to interpret, and also grammar can we domineers. So don't give up, everything is possible. Keep spirit. :-)
Vocabularies :
Horrible : Very unpleasant or badAccostumed Familiar with something
Obliged : That you must do something
Domineer : Have control something
Interpret : To decide what the intended meaning of something is
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